The Royal Treatment ~ October 14, 2013

There’s no time like now to take the royal treatment personally. Between now and the end of the month, two of the most well known personal planets - Earth’s nearest neighbors - Venus and Mars - take on two of the four royal stars.

Interestingly, Venus and Mars are opposites by nature. Venus is female; Mars is male. The temperature on Venus runs insanely hot, making Arizona, Africa and the Aboriginal Outback seem tepid. Mars is cold, space suit cold, though perceived for being hot in temperament. How curious that Venus and Mars, in October, each directly contact the only two fixed stars directly in opposition to one another.

Yep, it’ll be the royal treatment. Which royal treatment is that? Royal treatment denotes positive embellishment and heralding; yet it can denote extreme attention in the undesired extremes.

The two fixed stars involved are Aldebaran and Antares. Both stars begin with the letter “A,” not that the alphabetic placement is significant. Both are red stars.

Antares presently resides at 9 Gemini 59; Antares stands at 9 Sagittarius 57. When Venus and Mars pass through the 9th degree of the mutable signs Sagittarius and Virgo, respectively, they will align with these two stars simultaneously.

Venus aligns with these A-list stars on October 16th. Mars comes into precise formation on October 31st, potentially adding to the charge to this year’s trick or treat campaign.

Aldebaran, the follower, is seen in the horns of Taurus. In native lore, he is the coyote’s eye. Representing the eye of the trickster is quite a task. Does the trickster comprehend the nature and extent of tricks applied, or do the tricks sometimes boomerang and impact the trickster as comprehensively as they do the trickee?

Antares, bears the distinction of being the heart of the Scorpion. The stunningly beautiful constellation Scorpio hinges upon this very star. What lies in the heart of the Scorpion? Does the scorpion intend to attack? No actually, it’s a purely defensive maneuver occurring when cornered, or when needing to secure sustenance. It is true that younger scorpions are more lethal and more likely to sting without discernment, much like their desert counterpart, the rattlesnake, with whom they share undesirable reputations.

But both are red royal stars. All cultures recognized and revered their potency. All cultures perceived their purity of passion, brilliance, and lodestone-like properties.

Perhaps the trick is to remove the sting of immobility in life. Perhaps the personal planets promise pursuit of the royal treatment and in the best way. Indeed!

Venus goes first. When touching these red stars she will inflame passion, desire, the craving for position, stature, recognition. In fact, she aligns more directly than Mars. In her upcoming contacts - a conjunction and an opposition - she stands aligned with purpose. She’s not looking around for clues. She’s got it scoped out. She’s on target, purposeful and well aware that “sin” can be attributed to “missing the mark,” or “distance from God.” To get back on target, align with your inner divinity. Get right with yourself. Be a straight shooter, forthright and clear. Notice the attention such direct people achieve contrasted with those who persist in murkier engagements.

Mars, in Virgo, follows, squaring both stars at the same time. Position as the fulcrum of a T-square, he is the balance of a teeter-totter. He seeks precise equilibrium... between the heart rendering of Antares and the eye of Aldebaran. Can the heart perceive what the eyes see? Can the eyes perceive as the heart feels? Is there no integration possible between head and heart? Must one be tossed hither and yon between these dichotomous parts of ones nature?

Not necessarily. One additional reach might do the trick here. As this cycle starts, there are aspects to Chiron at 9 Pisces, Pluto at 9 Capricorn, and Uranus returning to the 9th degree of Aries. However, the reach suggested is just a bit further... to Saturn, now two degrees from exact. Saturn renders the clock. And don’t we know, timing is everything?

Instead of the tidal pulls of oppositions ripping a consciousness apart, why not allow the polarities their time? If each possesses their due, perhaps conflict subsides.

Should there be an inner conflict of need/want, push/retreat, female/male, go/stop, feel/think, try allowing each to have a place. In every day, there is a time to work, a time to think, a time to repose, a time to feel. When sanctioned, the individual poles of an axis contribute to the other, and in so doing reaffirm the whole.

Perhaps Venus and Mars aligning with the royal stars manifest the best of the royal treatment by bearing wholeness of being through recognition of all the components. Says Venus, do not waver within the validity of your needs. Declares Mars, when you know you want it, go get it.

All together now... let’s hear from Venus and Mars and Aldebaran and Antares... “Give yourself the royal treatment!”

More soon.